The course will provide trainees with a comprehensive and deep understanding of the principles, processes, best practices and contemporary issues in the field. The course offers a mix of strategic, organizational, managerial, analytical knowledge and skills, and tailored one-on-one coaching to prepare participants as human resource managers, specialists, or trainers in their organizations and beyond. Topics covered include organizational and HRM choices on who to hire, how to retain and reward them, how to develop them, and how to maximize their potential.
Dr. Arpie G. Balian is an educator and researcher specializing in public policy, administration and development. She holds an undergraduate degree in business administration from the American University of Beirut, a Master of Public Administration from the American University, Washington, D.C., and a dual-track doctorate in public sector leadership and performance measurement and evaluation from the University of Southern California. She has served the American University of Armenia as Professor in Political Science and International Affairs and earlier as Director of AUA Extension. Dr. Balian has held various leadership positions in the public sector, including Children of Armenia Fund; USAID Armenia Mission; US Department of Commerce; McMaster University; and others. She has conducted workshops and seminars in over a dozen countries and has trained leaders in human resource management and other fields. She has authored or co-authored over two hundred white papers and strategic briefs for the US government, as well as research articles published in peer-reviewed journals; and has presented at or chaired/co-chaired multiple international conferences and conventions worldwide.
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Մեզ մոտ դասավանդողների համար նախատեսված լավագույն թվային գործիքներն ու դասընթացներն են։ Հետաքրքրվա՞ծ եք, թողեք էլեկտրոնային փոստի հասցե։